
Cole not having near as much industry experience as his father should create some disparities. However, after being around it all his life, he has taken in more knowledge than many will in their careers about the industry. Bringing in different direction and points of view gathered from competitive gaming and leadership studies, the knowledge he brings creates a perfect bridge for the long-lasting cargo-career listeners and new millennial employees in the industry.



In this picture, Cole is escorting his younger sister Kylee across the football field, as she was nominated for homecoming queen in her junior class. She took the W!



Understanding where it all begins and the appreciate behind it means so much. Cole seeing his great-grandmother for the first time in years this past Christmas during COVID was bittersweet and reminiscent of the couple times he had seen her at her house in Delaware while he was younger. Great reminder to keep pushing forward during these turbulent COVID times.



Starting in competitive gaming as an in-game leader, Cole was able to rally the troops across the country to Philadelphia to compete at an offline tournament Fragadelphia 14 for thousands of dollars. Once in a lifetime experience!


Justin Taylor